
Every parent dreams of giving their children the best possible start in life. One way to turn that dream into a reality is by considering the FastStart plan, offered through Ai Merchantry®. This program is designed to help your child save for important milestones, such as their college education, the down payment on their first home, and even their retirement, all while providing the protection of life insurance.

The FastStart plan allows you to set aside funds that secure your child's future while safeguarding their insurability, no matter what life brings. With a FastStart life insurance policy, your child receives essential insurance coverage paired with a cash value savings component—giving them a smart financial head start, grounded in our values of long-term vision and intentional planning.
Why Do I Need FastStart?

Saving for your child’s future can feel overwhelming, but Ai Merchantry’s FastStart plan is designed to make it easier. FastStart isn’t just about covering education expenses—it’s about providing financial flexibility throughout your child’s life. With a growing cash value, this policy can be used for more than just college. Whether they want to use it for a down payment on a home or need additional funds later in life, FastStart allows them to access the cash when they need it most. And when it’s time to retire, if the policy is still in force, FastStart can even provide a retirement income stream.At Ai Merchantry®, we are deeply committed to helping families create financial security with solutions that align with your long-term goals and values. Explore how FastStart can support your child’s future and give them the financial protection they need for life’s big milestones.

How Does The FastStart Plan Work?

By setting aside a small amount of money each month or quarter while your child is young, you can help them build financial security for future needs, all while providing essential life insurance coverage. A portion of your premium pays for the life insurance, while the remaining balance is added to the policy's cash value, which grows tax-free over time. At Ai Merchantry®, we believe in creating intentional financial plans that offer protection and growth, ensuring your child has a solid foundation for their future.

Frequently asked questions

Why Do I Need FastStart?

Saving for your child's future can be challenging, but FastStart is designed to make it easier. This plan goes beyond just covering education expenses. The available cash value can be used at any point in your child's life—not just for college. Whether it's for a down payment on a home or, later in life, creating a retirement income stream, FastStart provides flexible options. If the policy remains in force, your child can rely on it to support their goals, from major life milestones to retirement. At Ai Merchantry®, we are dedicated to helping you build a lasting legacy for your child, ensuring they have financial security throughout their life.

How Does The FastStart Plan Work?

By setting aside a small amount of money each month or quarter, starting when your child is young, you can help them build a financial foundation for the future while also providing valuable life insurance coverage. A portion of your premium goes toward the cost of the insurance, while the remaining balance is added to the policy’s cash value, which accumulates and grows tax-free. At Ai Merchantry®, we are committed to helping you make intentional decisions that protect your child’s future, ensuring both financial security and peace of mind as they grow.

What are the advantages of the FastStart plan?

Clients love the FastStart program for many reasons. First, it provides a way to protect your child’s future insurability, ensuring they remain covered regardless of any medical issues that may arise. This gives their family peace of mind, knowing that death benefits will be available should the worst happen.

But FastStart offers much more than life insurance. The cash value portion of the policy grows tax-free, and typically earns more than traditional savings accounts or other guaranteed financial instruments. Indexed to the performance of various financial markets—without the risk of losing principal—FastStart allows your child’s funds to benefit from market growth while avoiding losses, providing the best of both worlds: growth potential without risk.

The cash value can be used for any purpose your child chooses as an adult. Whether it’s funding college, starting a business, buying a home, or preparing for retirement, FastStart ensures your child’s future is not only protected but positioned for success. At Ai Merchantry®, we’re committed to helping families create lasting legacies, rooted in financial security and peace of mind.

Do I qualify for FastStart?

The FastStart plan is primarily a life insurance product designed to cover your child’s life. Qualification decisions are based on your child’s health at the time of application. However, most children generally qualify for the FastStart plan through Ai Merchantry®. With our commitment to personalized service and integrity, we strive to provide protection that ensures your child’s future is secure, regardless of life’s uncertainties.